STASIS & KINISIS / unstable geometry

STASIS & KINISIS / unstable geometry

« COSMOS AND CHAOS, Apollonian spirit of measurement and Dionysian principle of chaotic life, organization and chance, stasis and kinesis…all different aspects of the same configuration polarity ».
The antinomic notions of this excerpt from György Kepes’ book, The New Landscape in Art and Science, P. Theobald, 1956, resonate with a series of pieces and in-situ installations in which matter “offers itself” to space.
In an attempt to establish a movement, a relationship, between the space of the opaque rubber form and the space surrounding it, I make the properties of the material evolve so that it can marry the space of its implantation, to inhabit it.
Cut into strips, grafted with elastic wire or steel wire, each piece or in-situ installation remains in a state of continuous transformation, it multiplies the shapes without acquiring one and fixed, between STASIS & KINISIS, inertia and movement, these creations are waiting for the space to come.

1/ 2357-41. 2018 | 2/ c-5-20. 2020

1/ 2357-41. Caoutchouc, taille variable. 2018 | 2/ c-5-20. Caoutchouc, taille variable. 2020

c-24-18 | c-25-20

1/ c-24-18. Caoutchouc, acier,24x40cm, 2018 | 2/ c-25-20. Caoutchouc, acier, 25x11cm, 2020

c-21-20 | c-57-16

1/ c-21-20. Caoutchouc, taille variable, 2020 | 2/ c-57-16. Caoutchouc, fil elastique, 57x57cm, 2016

 c-30-18 | c-37-17

1-2/ c-30-18. Caoutchouc, acier,30x17x10cm, 2018 | 3/ c-37-17. Mousse de caoutchouc, aiguilles, fil en coton, 37x21x8cm, 2017

c-157-16 | c-230-16 |Livre ouvert

1/ c-157-16. Caoutchouc, fil élastique, 59x157x8cm, 2016 | 2/ c-230-16. Caoutchouc, fil élastique, 230x11x5cm, 2016 | 3/ Livre ouvert. Caoutchouc, 220x120x3cm, 2011

c-33-12 | c-40-16

1/ c-33-12. Caoutchouc, aiguilles, fil en coton, 40x33x3cm, 2012 | 2/ c-40-16. Caoutchouc, aiguilles, fil en coton, 40x27x3cm, 2016

1/ c-13-18. Caoutchouc, acier, taille variable. 2018 | 2/ c-11-19. Caoutchouc, laiton, taille variable,2018

1/ c-13-18. Caoutchouc, acier, taille variable. 2018 | 2/ c-11-19. Caoutchouc, laiton, taille variable,2018