
First part: Andros

This project was born when, twenty-five years later, I found boxes containing part of my youth library.
When I left my country of origin, Greece, I also left a language, a culture and surely, a way of thinking and perceiving the world.
Leafing through some of these books, I noticed that part of my memory, by remaining inactive, stopped, as if it had flown away.
Only a few titles and authors were known to me, the contents of most of these books were foreign to me. All these pages corresponded to a time lived but forgotten.
A bygone time taking with it words, meaning, knowledge.
These books read and yet erased from my memory put me in a great embarrassment. Wishing to give them a new form, after having cut out line by line a few randomly opened pages, I extracted a fragment of the printed text which was going to constitute the basic material for this project.

Nouveau Testament, Actes des Apôtres-1.12, L’Épître aux Galates.
Fragment de texte imprimé collé directement sur rocher, 1m57, Andros, 2016.

Lucrèce. De la nature, livre I-II-585-595, Andros, 2016.

Nouveau Testament, Actes des Apôtres-1.12, L’Épître aux Galates.
Fragment de texte imprimé collé directement sur rocher, 3m15, Andros, 2016.